New friendships can spring up at various times in your life, sometimes in the most random of places. Some would argue everyone you meet is for a reason, and Sara Raybould would argue that this fact was very much true.

Sara is the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Education and Student Experience at The University of West London, and on a recent holiday, she happened to meet one of our Prevent Breast Cancer Ambassadors, Diana Jones.

She now wants to share how this opportune meeting has changed her life for the better.

Sara begins:

Who would have thought that a chance meeting on holiday could potentially save your life? I met Diana on holiday in Zante, and not to be indiscreet, I couldn’t help but notice she seemed to only have one boob. I cannot tell you how much admiration I had for her, and in that silent, bold statement of just being, she told a story of bravery, fight and self confidence that made an instant impression with me.

I was lucky to get to know Diana over that holiday period and found out more about her journey with breast cancer and her work to raise awareness. I remember thinking … “I hope it’s never me!”

Well, being more aware, because of Diana, I did find a lump in my breast, not something I’d regularly checked before. I am glad and feel grateful to be able to say that upon medical investigation, it was just a cyst, that was drained easily. From finding it, to having it drained was within a week. The point is that it could have been more sinister, it could have been cancer and if it had, finding it so early, would have saved my life. Diana would have saved me through her brave statement of simply being her.

I am ever grateful and ever impressed by this wonderful woman who works so very hard to save as many women as she can by simply making them breast cancer aware.

Diana has been a Prevent Breast Cancer Ambassador since 2020 and has now made it her life mission to teach people the importance of being breast cancer aware. From strutting down catwalks and posing in calendars, to dancing in flash mobs, there’s nothing she isn’t willing to take on in the name of awareness.

I was over the moon to hear about the impact I’ve had on Sara’s life regarding breast cancer and her recent scare. As a result of our new friendship, Sara is very interested in helping me use my role at Prevent Breast Cancer to raise awareness for breast health at her university, including organising Health Talks for staff and students. It’s important to remember that Health Talks don’t have to be part of a huge campaign. Simply allowing a Prevent Breast Cancer Ambassador or colleague into your place of work to talk about breast cancer and how to be breast cancer aware is in invaluable. I am however extremely proud that Sara wants to spread the vital message even further and set up a number of talks, involving both students and staff, and also fundraise for the charity’s life changing research, as part of a bigger campaign.

What Is A Prevent Breast Cancer Health Talk?

We welcome opportunities to deliver our breast awareness talks to people of all ages and in a variety of settings; workplaces, community groups, school, universities and other groups, tailoring content to the audience and time slot available. This can be done in person, or online.

In our talks, we cover:

  • How to reduce your risk of developing the disease
  • Signs and symptoms to look out for
  • Causes of breast cancer
  • How to check yourself
  • Why we’re focused on prevention of breast cancer
  • Our latest breast cancer research findings

Sara continues:

Diana told me about the Health Talks, and so with colleagues at the University of West London we arranged a session for our women’s network (which is also open to men). During the day we heard from several women who spoke for the first time about how breast cancer had touched them, one of whom had recently had a double mastectomy due to a missed diagnosis. She had a lump, went to the doctor who said due to tissue density it was unlikely and told her to go away. Three years later she went again, and it was too late to treat without radical surgery and chemotherapy. She urged us all to fight for answers if we know there is something wrong, no matter what the doctor may say.

I would say if you’re thinking of holding a talk, think about a whole campaign to maximise in on the event. Have drip feeds leading up and actions arranged to follow on. I asked everyone who came to take away enough leaflets to give to all their colleagues and friends who didn’t attend, and I also asked everyone to bring at least two more people with them to the next talk. We also plan to do a fundraiser.

To me, Prevent Breast Cancer stands out as a charity because breast cancer has affected so many people I know including men, and a breast cancer free future means that there is one less reason for people to lose loved ones.

I’m so glad I met Diana, so blessed that she shared her story, and I’m in awe she’s so determined to tell her story to as many people as possible.

Thanks so much to Sara and Diana for sharing how their newly found friendship has changed their lives for the better.

If you’d like to find out more about our Health Talks, simply fill in our online form and someone from the team will be in touch. If you would like more information, you can also contact us today on

About Prevent Breast Cancer

Prevent Breast Cancer is the only UK charity entirely dedicated to the prediction and prevention of breast cancer – we’re committed to freeing the world from the disease altogether. Unlike many cancer charities, we’re focused on preventing, rather than curing. Promoting early diagnosis, screening and lifestyle changes, we believe we can stop the problem before it starts. And being situated at the only breast cancer prevention centre in the UK, we’re right at the front-line in the fight against the disease. Join us today and help us create a future free from breast cancer. If you have any questions or concerns, email us today.

Published On: January 17th, 2024 /

Would you like to share your story?

We’re always looking to speak to people who are interested in sharing their story and experience of breast cancer. It not only helps us spread awareness but can be helpful for others who are dealing with the disease. If this is a cause close to your heart and you would be comfortable sharing your journey with other supporters, and potentially the media, then please get in touch today by emailing

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About Prevent Breast Cancer

Prevent Breast Cancer is the only UK charity entirely dedicated to the prediction and prevention of breast cancer – we’re committed to freeing the world from the disease altogether. Unlike many cancer charities, we’re focused on preventing, rather than curing. Promoting early diagnosis, screening and lifestyle changes, we believe we can stop the problem before it starts. And being situated at the only breast cancer prevention centre in the UK, we’re right at the front-line in the fight against the disease. Join us today and help us create a future free from breast cancer. If you have any questions or concerns, email us today.