GP Referrals to a Breast Clinic
This information is for anyone that has been referred by a GP to a breast clinic after displaying signs or symptoms of breast cancer. We have a different page for information about routine breast screenings, commonly referred to as a mammogram.

Being referred by your GP
If you notice any signs or symptoms of breast cancer, visit your GP as soon as possible. From there you may be referred to a breast clinic. The vast majority of people who are seen at a breast clinic will not have breast cancer. However, it’s still important to attend your breast clinic appointment so you can be fully assessed. GPs follow guidance when deciding whether or not to refer you to a breast clinic. Here you can find the guidance for England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
What happens during your appointment?
Your appointment will take place at a breast clinic. You will be cared for by an expert team of nurses and doctors while you attend the clinic. Your appointment may take several hours so that all the necessary tests can be carried out. You are welcome to bring someone with you if this would make you feel more comfortable.
Your nurse will keep you informed every step along the way, but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
When will I get my results?
If your breast screening appointment was done in a one-stop clinic, which is where all the tests are carried out during a single visit to the clinic, then your results may be available on the same day if biopsies (needle tests) are not needed. If a biopsy is needed, the results will be available once those samples and your mammogram, ultrasound and tissue tests are reviewed. This will be done at a multi-disciplinary team meeting where the surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, oncologists and breast care nurses review all of the results to ensure the appropriate information is available to plan any treatment if required. This usually takes about one week.
Most people who visit a breast clinic leave being told they do not have breast cancer. But if you are given a diagnosis, this can obviously be very upsetting. The doctor will explain what their findings are as well as their recommendations for treatment. You will be assigned a breast care nurse who is there to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
About Prevent Breast Cancer
Prevent Breast Cancer is the only UK charity entirely dedicated to the prediction and prevention of breast cancer – we’re committed to freeing the world from the disease altogether. Unlike many cancer charities, we’re focused on preventing, rather than curing. Promoting early diagnosis, screening and lifestyle changes, we believe we can stop the problem before it starts. And being situated at the only breast cancer prevention centre in the UK, we’re right at the front-line in the fight against the disease. Join us today and help us create a future free from breast cancer. If you have any questions or concerns, email us today.
on February 1, 2023.
on January 16, 2023.