Our Impact

Since 1996, Prevent Breast Cancer has been working hard to eradicate breast cancer for future generations.


We’re so proud of what we have achieved and want to thank everyone who has supported us in making such incredible impact. Our mission is to make breast cancer a preventable disease for future generations by funding ground-breaking research into the prediction and prevention of the disease.

Located in The Nightingale Centre and Prevent Breast Cancer Research Unit in Greater Manchester, the construction of which the charity raised £2 million for and which opened in 2007. The Centre houses the services of the Greater Manchester NHS Breast Screening Programme and Family History Risk and Prevention Clinic.

Since 2010, the charity has spent over £5.1 million on ground-breaking research into the prediction and prevention of breast cancer, which has supported our scientists in their work to eradicate breast cancer. Read more about our research.

Our scientists have published over 200 peer reviewed research papers between August 2015 and July 2022 and presented their findings all over the world including at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium in the USA.

Annual Report 2024

Annual report & financial statement

Every year we produce an Annual Report & Financial Statement to showcase the achievements of the charity and the research teams associated with Prevent Breast Cancer.

Our clinical investigators are located at the Prevent Breast Cancer Research Unit in The Nightingale Centre at Wythenshawe Hospital, while other investigators feed into the prevention programme from The Manchester Cancer Research Centre at The Christie and departments on the main university site. In addition, we have several national and international research collaborations, principally with Professor Jack Cuzick in London and Professor Doug Easton in Cambridge. Browse our team of experts today.

Research achievements

An overview of some of our scientists’ key research achievements, many of which Prevent Breast Cancer has financially contributed to.

Making A Difference Report (Nov 2023)

Making A Difference Report

DNA saliva test

Identified, with colleagues, over 300 of the fragments of DNA which affect breast cancer risk and developed a simple saliva test to detect them and help determine the risk calculation for each woman.

PROCAS study

Enhanced the prediction of risk in women of screening age using the saliva DNA tests and estimation of breast density in the NHS National Breast Screening Programme through the Prediction of Cancer at Screening Study (PROCAS) involving 57,000 women and a follow-on study (BC-Predict) that demonstrated the feasibility of real-time risk feedback.

Risk adapted breast screening

Undertaken studies to improve the management of women at high risk including a randomised trial to assess the value of risk adapted breast screening in the UK and Europe (MyPebs) and in the Family History Risk and Prevention Clinic (FH-Risk).

Risk in young women

Predicted high risk in very young women using automated low dose risk assessment mammography. Also undertaken a randomised trial of total diet replacement in high risk young women with obesity demonstrating that weight loss is associated with a reduction in the activity of cells that go on to form aggressive breast cancers.


Identified novel biomarkers of response to preventive drugs in the normal breasts of women at increased risk of breast cancer.


Studying ductal carcinoma-in-situ (DCIS), a form of non-invasive breast cancer commonly detected at screening, to better understand what conditions lead DCIS to develop into higher grade cancers and help doctors determine which women need surgery to prevent invasive cancer.

Weight loss & breast cancer

Being one of the first research groups to find that weight loss can reduce the risk of breast cancer. In our study of 34,000 women modest weight loss i.e. losing 10 pounds of weight reduced risk by 25-40%.

The 2 day diet

Publication of The 2-Day Diet, Cookbook and Quick & Easy edition continues to increase awareness of our vital work and send a positive health message across the UK and the world. To date over 340,000 copies have sold in the UK and the diet was published in over 16 countries. Establishing the 2 Day Diet Club, spearheaded by our supporters and with over 300 members currently.

Preventative drugs

Led trials of tamoxifen and anastrozole internationally resulting in NICE approval for women at high risk across the UK. Developing new preventive treatments such as anti-progestins and denosumab.

Risk reducing surgery

Established a major centre for Risk Reducing Surgery in women at very high risk.

BRCA1 fault

Discovering a previously undetected fault in the BRCA1 gene which increases the risk of breast cancer.

Gap analysis

Forming part of a group of 10 experts who met to draw up a “Gap Analysis” of our knowledge concerning breast cancer and breast biology. The resulting paper identified major gaps, and was published to wide acclaim in “Breast Cancer Research” in September 2014.

The Angelina effect

Publishing “The Angelina Effect”, a paper describing how referrals to our own and other Family History Clinics and Genetic Centres doubled as a result of publicity surrounding Angelina Jolie’s decision to have risk-reducing breast surgery after the discovery that she carries a mutation in the BRCA1 gene. Most of the referrals were judged to be appropriate indicating an unfulfilled need for services for women at a very high risk. The paper had the highest data analysis score for any paper ever published by the “Breast Cancer Research” journal.

Awareness achievements

A sample of some awareness activities and campaigns, including some in collaboration with companies and organisation.

mammogram screening

Being breast aware


Asian women’s health

boobee bus


6 minute survey

6 Minute Survey

And we won’t stop there…

Prevent Breast Cancer is the only UK charity entirely dedicated to the prediction and prevention of breast cancer – we’re committed to freeing the world from the disease altogether. Unlike many cancer charities, we’re focused on preventing, rather than curing. Promoting early diagnosis, screening and lifestyle changes, we believe we can stop the problem before it starts. And being situated at the only breast cancer prevention centre in the UK, we’re right at the front-line in the fight against the disease.

Join us today and help us create a future free from breast cancer. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch.

Recent blogs

  • Significant breast cancer screening trial using AI to begin

    A new breast screening trial using Artificial Intelligence (AI) is to take place in the UK. The BBC reports that the Early Detection using Information Technology in Health (Edith) trial will invite almost 700,000 women who are already booked in for their ...

    Published On: February 5th, 2025
  • New Years Honours for Eamonn and Margo

    With the recent reveal of King Charles’ New Years Honours list for 2025, we were delighted that amongst the host of famous faces and celebrities, two members of the Prevent Breast Cancer family received awards. Eamonn O’Neal, chairman of Prevent Breast Cancer ...

    Published On: January 8th, 2025
  • Breaking Ground: Work starts on The Academy

    Work to build the National Breast Imaging Academy in Manchester has begun, with ground broken at the site at Wythenshawe Hospital by breast cancer survivor Rebecca Hartley and Coronation Street actress Sue Cleaver, who have fronted a fundraising appeal to start the ...

    Published On: December 4th, 2024

We Predict. We Prevent. We Protect. You could call it our mantra.

Predict Prevent Protect

by identifying who is at risk of breast cancer

by offering preventative interventions, to stop breast cancer before it starts

our goal is to shield future generations from breast cancer

About Prevent Breast Cancer

Prevent Breast Cancer is the only UK charity entirely dedicated to the prediction and prevention of breast cancer – we’re committed to freeing the world from the disease altogether. Unlike many cancer charities, we’re focused on preventing, rather than curing. Promoting early diagnosis, screening and lifestyle changes, we believe we can stop the problem before it starts. And being situated at the only breast cancer prevention centre in the UK, we’re right at the front-line in the fight against the disease. Join us today and help us create a future free from breast cancer. If you have any questions or concerns, email us today.