Gift Aid

Prevent Breast Cancer receives no government funding. We rely on the generosity of our supporters to continue our vital work.

gift aid

Gift Aid Declaration Form

Gift Aid Declaration after a donation has been made

  • Please let us know how much you have donated
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

About Gift Aid

If you are a UK Taxpayer, Prevent Breast Cancer can reclaim Gift Aid from the tax you pay for that tax year. All you need to do is simply fill in the details below and we will do the rest.

For every £1 you donate we can claim an extra 25p back and every penny makes a big difference. Making a Gift Aid declaration doesn’t cost you anything, but it will help us to create a future free from breast cancer. Find further information about Gift Aid.

In order to Gift Aid your donation you must agree to the below information and complete the declaration form: I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

Please notify Prevent Breast Cancer if you:

  • want to cancel this declaration
  • change your name or home address
  • no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.

If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.

Please note that we treat Gift Aid as an unrestricted donation directed to our general fund rather than any specific project or research pillar.

Different Ways to Donate

Whether you’d like to be a regular donor or are searching for other ways to donate to our breast cancer charity, other donation options include:

About Prevent Breast Cancer

Prevent Breast Cancer is the only UK charity entirely dedicated to the prediction and prevention of breast cancer – we’re committed to freeing the world from the disease altogether. Unlike many cancer charities, we’re focused on preventing, rather than curing. Promoting early diagnosis, screening and lifestyle changes, we believe we can stop the problem before it starts. And being situated at the only breast cancer prevention centre in the UK, we’re right at the front-line in the fight against the disease. Join us today and help us create a future free from breast cancer. If you have any questions or concerns, email us today.