30 Day Challenge Ideas
Are you struggling to think of your next fundraising challenge? Here are Prevent Breast Cancer’s 30 Day Challenge Ideas.
There is something for everyone!
If you’re struggling for ideas – don’t despair. To get started, have a browse of our 30 day challenge ideas or take a look at our A-Z of fundraising.
30 Ideas To Get You Started
Social Media Detox. Give yourself a break from the screen for 30 days, and revert back to a time when you didn’t know what your next door neighbour has had for dinner, and you weren’t bombarded with cute cat picture.
No more nail biting! Are your fingernails the site of a self-inflicted massacre? Do your friends look at your nails in despair? Challenge yourself to 30 days of a bite free existence!
Pack those lunches. Why not bring a healthy packed lunch into work each day, instead of relying on the canteen or junk food laden convenience shops. You will save money, and guarantee you will eat well.
Coffee lovers. If you’re one of these people who start your day with a visit to the local coffee shop, forgo your daily splurge, and donate the money to charity instead.
Spice up your commute. If your daily life involves using the bus, try getting off a few stops before you normally would, so that you get some fresh air, and exercise.
Breakfast is important! If you don’t regularly eat breakfast, challenge yourself to start off each day with a nutritious breakfast, which in turn will kick start your metabolism.
Give up smoking. If you’re a smoker, try to cut down, or if you’re feeling strong enough, challenge yourself to go completely cold turkey.
Calling all chocoholics. Do you have a chocolate or biscuit habit? Try give up, and say swap with a piece of fruit if you’re desperate for a sweet fix!
Screen-free lunch time. If you normally eat your lunch at your desk whilst at work, try to make time to have a proper break, perhaps even eat outside, or at least in your work canteen away from your computer.
Hydrate! Aim to drink two litres of water each day without fail. After 30 days, it will be second nature.
Try a new hobby. Ever seen a class at your local gym, or a sport you’ve always fancied having a go at, but you’ve been too scared, or perhaps too busy? Then sign yourself up! Taekwondo you say…bring it on!
Is your house cluttered? How about having a declutter over 30 days, and maybe having a car boot sale, or using websites such as Ebay, Depop and Gumtree. Or you could just donate all your unwanted goods to charity.
Family dinners. Do you and your partner/family eat in front of the TV, or eat at different times as you’re always on the go. How about making a big deal of your evening meal, and taking your time to have a proper catch up, without the distraction of the TV.
Take the stairs! When faced with a lift or escalator, choose the stairs each time.
Learn a language. Ever considered learning a foreign language, or perhaps brushing up on one? Download an app, and try learning a sentence, or new piece of vocabulary daily. You’ll be an expert before you know it.
TV free evenings. Is your day or evening organised around certain TV shows. How about giving up watching television, or if that seems too extreme, cut down on how much you watch. Spend this time catching up with loved ones, or taking more exercise.
Start a skin routine. Are you someone who wakes up with yesterday’s makeup still clinging to your face? Give yourself the challenge to get into a proper beauty regime each night for the 30 days. Your skin will thank you for it.
No swearing allowed! Are you prone to the odd swear word, or perhaps maybe more?! You could try giving it up and setting up a ‘cheat box’ for each time you accidentally turn the air blue!
Self-care. Do you find that you constantly compare yourself to others? In today’s society, with the ferocity of social media, it has become a common occurrence. For 30 days, aim to stop comparing in a negative way, and be grateful for who you are. Be more positive about the wonderful person you are, and everything that you have to offer.
Booze Free. Why not try giving up alcohol for 30 days? Or even just cutting down.
New word a day. How about challenging yourself to learn a new word each day as part of your challenge? The future scrabble player in you will love you for it!
Do you need more sleep? Perhaps you struggle with your sleep? For your challenge, make sleep your priority. Try having an early night each evening, and aid sleep with the introduction of say lavender oil, or a bath/shower before bed. A hot milky drink also works wonders, as do foods such as bananas and peanuts. Try to introduce a routine of perhaps yoga or reading a book also.
Quit the takeaway food. Challenge yourself to banish takeaway foods for 30 days. Not only will your bank balance thank you, but your diet will also be vastly improved.
Conquer Compliments. Challenge yourself to give more compliments to those around you. Not only will this make you feel better about yourself, but you will bring increased happiness to those you come into contact with.
Carpe diem. Do you find yourself always putting things off? Do you pay your bills for example at the last minute? Do you set yourself a task, but always delay it? For your challenge, make yourself more organised. Get those bills paid. Get that appointment booked that you keep putting off. Be proactive in getting organised.
Spending spree free. If you’re the sort of person that flutters away money, challenge yourself to really put thought into your purchases, and ask yourself if you really need something. Only buy what you most definitely require over your challenge. Think of all the money you could save by the end.
Give us a grin. Smile more for your challenge. This will not only heighten your own mood, but will bring increased joy to those around you…and a smile costs nothing.
Daily joy. Do something every day that makes you feel happy or evokes memories of a special time in your life. Look at photos, read old letters or even ring a friend that you haven’t spoken to in a long time.
Get involved. How about challenging yourself to being more active in your community? This could be as simple as collecting litter on a walk, or you could join a group that helps those less fortunate within your community.
Conquer the kitchen. Try out new recipes for 30 days, and get yourself out of the rut of always eating the same foods. Make meal times fun again, and not a chore.
Fundraising hints & tips
About Prevent Breast Cancer
Prevent Breast Cancer is the only UK charity entirely dedicated to the prediction and prevention of breast cancer – we’re committed to freeing the world from the disease altogether. Unlike many cancer charities, we’re focused on preventing, rather than curing. Promoting early diagnosis, screening and lifestyle changes, we believe we can stop the problem before it starts. And being situated at the only breast cancer prevention centre in the UK, we’re right at the front-line in the fight against the disease. Join us today and help us create a future free from breast cancer. If you have any questions or concerns, email us today.