National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA)

As part of our sole purpose is predicting and preventing breast cancer, Prevent Breast Cancer have joined forces with Manchester Foundation Trust Charity to bridge the gap and address the severe workforce shortages within breast imaging in the UK.

Together, we’ve launched a Build To Beat Breast Cancer Appeal for a new National Breast Imaging Academy. We’ve already raised over £2.98 million to date and need just under £912,000 to make the building a reality and open its doors.

National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA)

As part of our sole purpose is predicting and preventing breast cancer, Prevent Breast Cancer have joined forces with Manchester Foundation Trust Charity to bridge the gap and address the severe workforce shortages within breast imaging in the UK.

Together, we’ve launched a £3.9 million Build To Beat Breast Cancer Appeal for a new National Breast Imaging Academy. We’ve already raised over £2.98 million to date and need just under £912,000 to make the building a reality and open its doors.

Make a donation

Every donation gets us one step closer to building the future of breast cancer research, diagnosis and treatment. Any donation, small or large, will play a vital role in raising the essential funds to help the new centre open its doors. Please make a donation today.

Why is There a Need for a New National Breast Imaging Academy?

There are severe workforce shortages within breast imaging in the UK. On top of this, an estimated 12,000 people could be living with undiagnosed breast cancer due to 1.5 million fewer breast screening appointments being carried out during the pandemic.

The number of trained staff entering the workforce has not kept up with the increasing clinical demands, with 3.17 million women invited to breast screening in England in 2021-22 (ages 50-<71) which is an 80.9% increase on the previous year (1.75 million in 2020-21) according to NHS Digital statistics.

Our appeal for a new National Breast Imaging Academy would enable up to 13,000 extra patients to be seen at The Nightingale Centre each year, as well as further dedicated space for research into breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. This would greatly enhance the breast service and save a great many lives.

The Facts About Breast Screening Services

Incidence of breast cancer has continued to rise across the UK. In the last 10 years, GP referrals to breast units have doubled.

Severe workforce shortages. While the need for breast imaging is increasing, the shortage of clinicians, radiographers and radiologists has reached severe levels. Almost 12% breast radiologist and radiographic posts are vacant nationally. In the UK, by 2025, 38% of breast radiologists, 49% of breast clinicians and 40% of the doctors are expected to retire.

Breast centres are closing. Due to a lack of radiologists, several breast centres across the country have closed. This has placed even greater pressures on the remaining units, directly impacting patients by causing delays in diagnosis and treatment.

Inadequate training facilities. As a result of service pressures, identifying training space for trainees is becoming increasingly difficult, creating the perfect storm of an overstretched, workforce with inadequate training facilities.

Research is suffering. The lack of appropriate space is also hindering the ability of many centres to participate in vital research studies.

How Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Change Breast Screening?

The pandemic significantly exacerbated the challenges faced in the breast screening workforce with staff required to assist with care of Covid patients and many subject to self-isolation and shielding. Additionally, screening capacity was reduced due to the need for social distancing measures.

How Will Our Appeal with the Manchester Foundation Trust Charity Change Breast Screening?

The Build to Beat Breast Cancer appeal for a new National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA) will provide a national solution to the workforce shortages faced in screening services. This purpose-built home will deliver the space and cutting-edge training facilities required to train the next generation of breast imaging staff in the UK enhancing the breast screening service, saving a great many lives.

An independent economic evaluation of the NBIA found that, over a ten-year period, the academy’s initiatives will save the health economy £50 million. For every £1 spent on the academy, the study suggests that a £4.50 return is delivered.

Training. This purpose-built home for the academy will deliver the space and cutting-edge facilities required to train the next generation of breast imaging staff in the UK.

Creation of new job opportunities, from apprenticeships through to radiologists. Levelling up access to imaging careers.

Screening. Not only will the academy train radiographers, radiologists, breast clinicians, nurses, medical students, apprentices and administrative staff, but the facility also expand the unit’s existing imaging capacity for patients by up to 30%.

This will enable The Nightingale Centre to see up to an extra 5,000 new patients and 8,000 follow-up patients per year, greatly enhancing the breast service, and saving a great many lives.

Dr Mary Wilson, a consultant breast radiologist with MFT, a trustee of Prevent Breast Cancer, and the programme lead for the National Breast Imaging Academy, said:

Unless we act now and create a building in which to train staff, we will be unable to meet the increased demands over the coming months and years – and more lives will be lost to this disease.

Even before the coronavirus crisis, many breast services were struggling to diagnose and treat people as quickly as we would want, and the pressure on breast imaging was a big part of this. Given the massive surge in demand we now face, without a huge investment in training, we will simply be unable to meet the service needs.

About Prevent Breast Cancer

Prevent Breast Cancer is the only UK charity entirely dedicated to the prediction and prevention of breast cancer – we’re committed to freeing the world from the disease altogether. Unlike many cancer charities, we’re focused on preventing, rather than curing. Promoting early diagnosis, screening and lifestyle changes, we believe we can stop the problem before it starts. And being situated at the only breast cancer prevention centre in the UK, we’re right at the front-line in the fight against the disease. Join us today and help us create a future free from breast cancer. If you have any questions or concerns, email us today.